
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our Mother's Day project

First let me tell you...I have to worst luck with computers. First we move and have no internet for weeks. Then we get internet and I lose my camera and can't take pics of our projects.  Then my awesome hubby buys me a new camera for my Birthday.  Then the darn charger cord to the computer breaks.  I think I have solved all my
technology issues (knock on wood).

For Mother's day gifts I had Finley paint inexpensive pots ($1.25 each).

When they were dry I planted mint seeds in them ($0.59 per packet).

To make a cute flower to stick in the dirt, Finley Painted a Popsicle stick with green paint in a ziploc bag.

I cut out a flower shape from a shoebox.  Mixed equal parts shaving cream and white glue.  Added several drops of food coloring and Finley painted the flower shape with the pink goo.

Ta Da....

This pic is from my phone, sorry for the sucky quality.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Cute. I've missed you!!!! Glad you are back, i've been running out of ideas :)
